Banking Butler®


A new level of service is here.

We take pride in providing great service to our customers. We also believe that great service can be even greater. Our new digital banking, Banking Butler®, is something we feel will change how you do your banking with us with the best possible service.  We've shared just some of the features of Banking Butler below. If you're a First Harrison Bank customer and want to know how to use Banking Butler, see our Butler's Guide.

Cinch Deposits

Cinch Deposits provides you the ease of face-to-face teller deposit service at your fingertips. You will have the ability to simply and quickly deposit checks into your personal or business accounts from your smartphone. With Cinch Deposits, what once required a trip to the branch or ATM (and sometimes even a wait in line) is now a cinch from anywhere cellphone service is available. Check out our introductory video below.



If you're like us, you have your debit card information stored on many sites and subscriptions online. When you get a new debit card for any reason, it's always a pain to change that information across the Internet. We always forget to change it, and the payment is declined when you go to buy.

With our new tool, CardSwap, we're going to help you make that change EASY. Here's a summary of how it works:

  • Connect your favorite popular sites and subscriptions with your login information for each site.
  • Enter your debit card information ONE time.
  • Click ONE button and your information is swapped for all of your chosen sites and subscriptions.
  • Convenience and time saved!


CardSwap Art

First Harrison+

While we'd love to help you with all of your finances, we understand you may have loans, credit cards, deposit accounts, retirement accounts, and more at other financial institutions. That can make it a pain to keep track of all of your finances. With First Harrison+, you don't have to go to multiple websites anymore. Within Banking Butler, First Harrison+ will allow you to connect your external accounts to your First Harrison Bank login. Now, you can see balances, credit limits, and more all on one page from many other institutions. Check out our introductory video below.

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